POST VARS: start
ACTION data(action): 201; sub_action:
ACTION, pre-process: 201 (ACTION_SHOWITEM)
ACTION, post-process: 201 (ACTION_SHOWITEM)
SEARCHTEXT: data: array (
'action' => '201',
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'types_array' =>
array (
'XX1' =>
array (
'desc' => 'FURNITURE',
'placement' => '',
'nsubs' => 1,
'hrows' => 3,
'subtypes' =>
array (
'XX1' =>
array (
'type' => 'FURNITURE',
'typecode' => 'XX1',
'subtype' => 'FURNITURE',
'subtypecode' => 'XX1',
'FCB' =>
array (
'desc' => 'Cabinet Furniture',
'placement' => '',
'nsubs' => 4,
'hrows' => 6,
'subtypes' =>
array (
'CBL' =>
array (
'type' => 'Cabinet Furniture',
'typecode' => 'FCB',
'subtype' => 'Low Cabinet Furniture',
'subtypecode' => 'CBL',
'CBT' =>
array (
'type' => 'Cabinet Furniture',
'typecode' => 'FCB',
'subtype' => 'Tall Cabinet Furniture',
'subtypecode' => 'CBT',
'CD' =>
array (
'type' => 'Cabinet Furniture',
'typecode' => 'FCB',
'subtype' => 'Chest of Drawers',
'subtypecode' => 'CD',
'P' =>
array (
'type' => 'Cabinet Furniture',
'typecode' => 'FCB',
'subtype' => 'Pianos',
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'FT' =>
array (
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'placement' => '',
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array (
'TC' =>
array (
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'TCN' =>
array (
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'typecode' => 'FT',
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'subtypecode' => 'TCN',
'TCT' =>
array (
'type' => 'Tables',
'typecode' => 'FT',
'subtype' => 'Coffee Tables',
'subtypecode' => 'TCT',
'TF' =>
array (
'type' => 'Tables',
'typecode' => 'FT',
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'subtypecode' => 'TF',
'TFC' =>
array (
'type' => 'Tables',
'typecode' => 'FT',
'subtype' => 'Country Dining Tables',
'subtypecode' => 'TFC',
'TG' =>
array (
'type' => 'Tables',
'typecode' => 'FT',
'subtype' => 'Game & Tea Tables',
'subtypecode' => 'TG',
'TO' =>
array (
'type' => 'Tables',
'typecode' => 'FT',
'subtype' => 'Small Tables',
'subtypecode' => 'TO',
'TS' =>
array (
'type' => 'Tables',
'typecode' => 'FT',
'subtype' => 'Serving & Tiered Tables',
'subtypecode' => 'TS',
'TSF' =>
array (
'type' => 'Tables',
'typecode' => 'FT',
'subtype' => 'Sofa Tables',
'subtypecode' => 'TSF',
'FC' =>
array (
'desc' => 'Seating',
'placement' => '',
'nsubs' => 8,
'hrows' => 10,
'subtypes' =>
array (
'CH' =>
array (
'type' => 'Seating',
'typecode' => 'FC',
'subtype' => 'Hall Chars',
'subtypecode' => 'CH',
'CPR' =>
array (
'type' => 'Seating',
'typecode' => 'FC',
'subtype' => 'Pairs of Chairs',
'subtypecode' => 'CPR',
'CS' =>
array (
'type' => 'Seating',
'typecode' => 'FC',
'subtype' => 'Chair Sets (4 or more)',
'subtypecode' => 'CS',
'CSF' =>
array (
'type' => 'Seating',
'typecode' => 'FC',
'subtype' => 'Sofa - Settee - Canape',
'subtypecode' => 'CSF',
'CSN' =>
array (
'type' => 'Seating',
'typecode' => 'FC',
'subtype' => 'Single Chairs',
'subtypecode' => 'CSN',
'FCH' =>
array (
'type' => 'Seating',
'typecode' => 'FC',
'subtype' => 'Chaises',
'subtypecode' => 'FCH',
'SB' =>
array (
'type' => 'Seating',
'typecode' => 'FC',
'subtype' => 'Stools - Footstools - Ottomans',
'subtypecode' => 'SB',
'SE' =>
array (
'type' => 'Seating',
'typecode' => 'FC',
'subtype' => 'Benches',
'subtypecode' => 'SE',
'D' =>
array (
'desc' => 'Desks & Secretaires',
'placement' => '',
'nsubs' => 5,
'hrows' => 7,
'subtypes' =>
array (
'D' =>
array (
'type' => 'Desks & Secretaires',
'typecode' => 'D',
'subtype' => 'Pedestal Desks',
'subtypecode' => 'D',
'DBC' =>
array (
'type' => 'Desks & Secretaires',
'typecode' => 'D',
'subtype' => 'Bookcases & Related Items',
'subtypecode' => 'DBC',
'DSC' =>
array (
'type' => 'Desks & Secretaires',
'typecode' => 'D',
'subtype' => 'Secretaries',
'subtypecode' => 'DSC',
'DV' =>
array (
'type' => 'Desks & Secretaires',
'typecode' => 'D',
'subtype' => 'Davenport',
'subtypecode' => 'DV',
'DWT' =>
array (
'type' => 'Desks & Secretaires',
'typecode' => 'D',
'subtype' => 'Writing Tables & Bureau Plats',
'subtypecode' => 'DWT',
'FBD' =>
array (
'desc' => 'Beds & Daybeds',
'placement' => '',
'nsubs' => 2,
'hrows' => 4,
'subtypes' =>
array (
'BD' =>
array (
'type' => 'Beds & Daybeds',
'typecode' => 'FBD',
'subtype' => 'Beds',
'subtypecode' => 'BD',
'DB' =>
array (
'type' => 'Beds & Daybeds',
'typecode' => 'FBD',
'subtype' => 'Day Beds',
'subtypecode' => 'DB',
'FBM' =>
array (
'desc' => 'Bamboo Furniture',
'placement' => '',
'nsubs' => 1,
'hrows' => 3,
'subtypes' =>
array (
'BM' =>
array (
'type' => 'Bamboo Furniture',
'typecode' => 'FBM',
'subtype' => 'Bamboo Furniture',
'subtypecode' => 'BM',
'FCY' =>
array (
'desc' => 'Asian Furniture',
'placement' => '',
'nsubs' => 1,
'hrows' => 3,
'subtypes' =>
array (
'CY' =>
array (
'type' => 'Asian Furniture',
'typecode' => 'FCY',
'subtype' => 'Asian Furniture',
'subtypecode' => 'CY',
'FPT' =>
array (
'desc' => 'Painted Furniture',
'placement' => '',
'nsubs' => 1,
'hrows' => 3,
'subtypes' =>
array (
'CDP' =>
array (
'type' => 'Painted Furniture',
'typecode' => 'FPT',
'subtype' => 'Painted Furniture',
'subtypecode' => 'CDP',
'OF' =>
array (
'desc' => 'Miscellaneous Furnishings',
'placement' => '',
'nsubs' => 6,
'hrows' => 8,
'subtypes' =>
array (
'H' =>
array (
'type' => 'Miscellaneous Furnishings',
'typecode' => 'OF',
'subtype' => 'Hall & Umbrella Stands',
'subtypecode' => 'H',
'MI' =>
array (
'type' => 'Miscellaneous Furnishings',
'typecode' => 'OF',
'subtype' => 'Musical & Related Items',
'subtypecode' => 'MI',
'OMS' =>
array (
'type' => 'Miscellaneous Furnishings',
'typecode' => 'OF',
'subtype' => 'Miscellaneous',
'subtypecode' => 'OMS',
'PED' =>
array (
'type' => 'Miscellaneous Furnishings',
'typecode' => 'OF',
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'SC' =>
array (
'type' => 'Miscellaneous Furnishings',
'typecode' => 'OF',
'subtype' => 'Screens',
'subtypecode' => 'SC',
'WAL' =>
array (
'type' => 'Miscellaneous Furnishings',
'typecode' => 'OF',
'subtype' => 'Racks and Brackets',
'subtypecode' => 'WAL',
'XX2' =>
array (
'desc' => 'EVERYTHING ELSE',
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array (
'XX2' =>
array (
'type' => 'EVERYTHING ELSE',
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'A' =>
array (
'desc' => 'Accessories',
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array (
'ADK' =>
array (
'type' => 'Accessories',
'typecode' => 'A',
'subtype' => 'Desk - Library Items',
'subtypecode' => 'ADK',
'AGD' =>
array (
'type' => 'Accessories',
'typecode' => 'A',
'subtype' => 'Small Garden Objects',
'subtypecode' => 'AGD',
'AMS' =>
array (
'type' => 'Accessories',
'typecode' => 'A',
'subtype' => 'Miscellaneous',
'subtypecode' => 'AMS',
'AN' =>
array (
'type' => 'Accessories',
'typecode' => 'A',
'subtype' => 'Antiquities',
'subtypecode' => 'AN',
'AOM' =>
array (
'type' => 'Accessories',
'typecode' => 'A',
'subtype' => 'Other Metals',
'subtypecode' => 'AOM',
'ATR' =>
array (
'type' => 'Accessories',
'typecode' => 'A',
'subtype' => 'Trays',
'subtypecode' => 'ATR',
'AU' =>
array (
'type' => 'Accessories',
'typecode' => 'A',
'subtype' => 'Urns - Cassoulet - Jardinere',
'subtypecode' => 'AU',
'AWH' =>
array (
'type' => 'Accessories',
'typecode' => 'A',
'subtype' => 'Wall - Hangings and Carvings',
'subtypecode' => 'AWH',
'BX' =>
array (
'type' => 'Accessories',
'typecode' => 'A',
'subtype' => 'Boxes & Tea Caddies',
'subtypecode' => 'BX',
'CLA' =>
array (
'type' => 'Accessories',
'typecode' => 'A',
'subtype' => 'Candlesticks & Candleabra',
'subtypecode' => 'CLA',
'DF' =>
array (
'type' => 'Accessories',
'typecode' => 'A',
'subtype' => 'Delft',
'subtypecode' => 'DF',
'FRM' =>
array (
'type' => 'Accessories',
'typecode' => 'A',
'subtype' => 'Frames',
'subtypecode' => 'FRM',
'GLS' =>
array (
'type' => 'Accessories',
'typecode' => 'A',
'subtype' => 'Glass',
'subtypecode' => 'GLS',
'MJ' =>
array (
'type' => 'Accessories',
'typecode' => 'A',
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'subtypecode' => 'MJ',
'OP' =>
array (
'type' => 'Accessories',
'typecode' => 'A',
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'subtypecode' => 'OP',
'PP' =>
array (
'type' => 'Accessories',
'typecode' => 'A',
'subtype' => 'Western Porcelain & Pottery',
'subtypecode' => 'PP',
'SCU' =>
array (
'type' => 'Accessories',
'typecode' => 'A',
'subtype' => 'Sculpture',
'subtypecode' => 'SCU',
'SV' =>
array (
'type' => 'Accessories',
'typecode' => 'A',
'subtype' => 'Silver & Silver Plate',
'subtypecode' => 'SV',
'AR' =>
array (
'desc' => 'Architectural Items',
'placement' => '',
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'hrows' => 4,
'subtypes' =>
array (
'AR' =>
array (
'type' => 'Architectural Items',
'typecode' => 'AR',
'subtype' => 'Architectural Items',
'subtypecode' => 'AR',
'SG' =>
array (
'type' => 'Architectural Items',
'typecode' => 'AR',
'subtype' => 'Stained Glass',
'subtypecode' => 'SG',
'AW' =>
array (
'desc' => 'Art Work',
'placement' => '',
'nsubs' => 6,
'hrows' => 8,
'subtypes' =>
array (
'AWM' =>
array (
'type' => 'Art Work',
'typecode' => 'AW',
'subtype' => 'Miscellaneous',
'subtypecode' => 'AWM',
'AWS' =>
array (
'type' => 'Art Work',
'typecode' => 'AW',
'subtype' => 'Sculptures',
'subtypecode' => 'AWS',
'MIN' =>
array (
'type' => 'Art Work',
'typecode' => 'AW',
'subtype' => 'Miniatures',
'subtypecode' => 'MIN',
'PRT' =>
array (
'type' => 'Art Work',
'typecode' => 'AW',
'subtype' => 'Prints',
'subtypecode' => 'PRT',
'PTG' =>
array (
'type' => 'Art Work',
'typecode' => 'AW',
'subtype' => 'Paintings',
'subtypecode' => 'PTG',
'TRA' =>
array (
'type' => 'Art Work',
'typecode' => 'AW',
'subtype' => 'Terracotta Figures',
'subtypecode' => 'TRA',
'BK' =>
array (
'desc' => 'Books',
'placement' => '',
'nsubs' => 1,
'hrows' => 3,
'subtypes' =>
array (
'BK' =>
array (
'type' => 'Books',
'typecode' => 'BK',
'subtype' => 'Books',
'subtypecode' => 'BK',
'CP' =>
array (
'desc' => 'Carpets',
'placement' => '',
'nsubs' => 1,
'hrows' => 3,
'subtypes' =>
array (
'CP' =>
array (
'type' => 'Carpets',
'typecode' => 'CP',
'subtype' => 'Carpets',
'subtypecode' => 'CP',
'CK' =>
array (
'desc' => 'Clocks & Barometers',
'placement' => '',
'nsubs' => 3,
'hrows' => 5,
'subtypes' =>
array (
'BAR' =>
array (
'type' => 'Clocks & Barometers',
'typecode' => 'CK',
'subtype' => 'Barometers',
'subtypecode' => 'BAR',
'CLB' =>
array (
'type' => 'Clocks & Barometers',
'typecode' => 'CK',
'subtype' => 'Small & Wall Clocks',
'subtypecode' => 'CLB',
'CLK' =>
array (
'type' => 'Clocks & Barometers',
'typecode' => 'CK',
'subtype' => 'Tall Case Clocks',
'subtypecode' => 'CLK',
'FP' =>
array (
'desc' => 'Fireplace',
'placement' => '',
'nsubs' => 2,
'hrows' => 4,
'subtypes' =>
array (
'FP' =>
array (
'type' => 'Fireplace',
'typecode' => 'FP',
'subtype' => 'Fireplaces',
'subtypecode' => 'FP',
'FPA' =>
array (
'type' => 'Fireplace',
'typecode' => 'FP',
'subtype' => 'Fireplace Accessories',
'subtypecode' => 'FPA',
'G' =>
array (
'desc' => 'Garden',
'placement' => '',
'nsubs' => 2,
'hrows' => 4,
'subtypes' =>
array (
'GB' =>
array (
'type' => 'Garden',
'typecode' => 'G',
'subtype' => 'Garden Furniture',
'subtypecode' => 'GB',
'GD' =>
array (
'type' => 'Garden',
'typecode' => 'G',
'subtype' => 'Garden Objects',
'subtypecode' => 'GD',
'L' =>
array (
'desc' => 'Lighting',
'placement' => '',
'nsubs' => 4,
'hrows' => 6,
'subtypes' =>
array (
'CHN' =>
array (
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'typecode' => 'L',
'subtype' => 'Chandeliers',
'subtypecode' => 'CHN',
'LCS' =>
array (
'type' => 'Lighting',
'typecode' => 'L',
'subtype' => 'Candlesticks & Candleabra',
'subtypecode' => 'LCS',
'LMP' =>
array (
'type' => 'Lighting',
'typecode' => 'L',
'subtype' => 'Lamps',
'subtypecode' => 'LMP',
'SCN' =>
array (
'type' => 'Lighting',
'typecode' => 'L',
'subtype' => 'Sconces',
'subtypecode' => 'SCN',
'MR' =>
array (
'desc' => 'Mirrors',
'placement' => '',
'nsubs' => 3,
'hrows' => 5,
'subtypes' =>
array (
'LMR' =>
array (
'type' => 'Mirrors',
'typecode' => 'MR',
'subtype' => 'Large Mirrors',
'subtypecode' => 'LMR',
'MTT' =>
array (
'type' => 'Mirrors',
'typecode' => 'MR',
'subtype' => 'Table Top Mirrors',
'subtypecode' => 'MTT',
'SMR' =>
array (
'type' => 'Mirrors',
'typecode' => 'MR',
'subtype' => 'Small Mirrors',
'subtypecode' => 'SMR',
'TX' =>
array (
'desc' => 'Textiles',
'placement' => '',
'nsubs' => 10,
'hrows' => 12,
'subtypes' =>
array (
'TX' =>
array (
'type' => 'Textiles',
'typecode' => 'TX',
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'subtypecode' => 'TX',
'TXC' =>
array (
'type' => 'Textiles',
'typecode' => 'TX',
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'subtypecode' => 'TXC',
'TXF' =>
array (
'type' => 'Textiles',
'typecode' => 'TX',
'subtype' => 'Upholstery Fragments',
'subtypecode' => 'TXF',
'TXH' =>
array (
'type' => 'Textiles',
'typecode' => 'TX',
'subtype' => 'Hardware',
'subtypecode' => 'TXH',
'TXN' =>
array (
'type' => 'Textiles',
'typecode' => 'TX',
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'subtypecode' => 'TXN',
'TXP' =>
array (
'type' => 'Textiles',
'typecode' => 'TX',
'subtype' => 'Paislies',
'subtypecode' => 'TXP',
'TXQ' =>
array (
'type' => 'Textiles',
'typecode' => 'TX',
'subtype' => 'Quilts',
'subtypecode' => 'TXQ',
'TXR' =>
array (
'type' => 'Textiles',
'typecode' => 'TX',
'subtype' => 'Curtain Rods',
'subtypecode' => 'TXR',
'TXS' =>
array (
'type' => 'Textiles',
'typecode' => 'TX',
'subtype' => 'Samplers',
'subtypecode' => 'TXS',
'TXT' =>
array (
'type' => 'Textiles',
'typecode' => 'TX',
'subtype' => 'Tapestries',
'subtypecode' => 'TXT',
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United Kingdom
List price: $0
Request Price
CA 1780. PURCH 1969
other images: